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Life as an infinite set of compromises

An introduction:  I'm Dave.  Maybe that should be enough to express what I'm about, but I doubt it.

I'm in my forties, married, with children and pets.  Responsibilities, in other words, which really should suit me pretty well, since responsible is an adjective that applies pretty well to me.  Having abandoned any hope of being master in my own home [I'm practical, after all], I got this internet domain so that I could at least claim to be master of my own domain.

I've actually had the domain for quite a few years, but have always left the web address parked.  Seems about time I made better use of my investment.  So I'm hoping to kill a few birds with one stone and create both a family site to bring the Kell clan closer together, as well as to offer an outlet for my creative juices.  I've been pondering for awhile whether it would be worth becoming a blogger of some sort, thanks to having finally gotten something of an interest in Twitter.  So I'll give it a bit of a go.  My main interest in blogging was to share some of my experiences related to music, be it creation or enjoyment thereof.

In the real world, I'm a software professional.  I'm a sailor in my occasional outdoor free time.  And I'm a musician at heart, I guess, though I made the easy decision in high school that I'd rather be employed as an engineer than be unemployed as a guitarist.  Some decisions are easier than others...

So welcome to my world.  I hope you find something interesting along the way.


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