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20 Years Ago Today -- April 25, 1996 -- Day 17

Thurs. 96-04-25 - Day 17 - 6° 18' N  126° 19' W  Log: 1,495nm

Warm and humid. Weather's relatively pleasant. Winds generally 5 - 8 knots NE - E, with ~15 near squalls, which is where we make most of our mileage. Haven't seen wind yet over 25 knots and it only lasts 1 - 2 minutes at the leading edge of a squall, then settles down to 15 or maybe 20.  1,324 miles to Nuku Hiva.

I cooked spaghetti with a canned sauce and garlic bread for supper, with fruit cocktail for dessert. Getting low on oranges, despite having brought about 50 of them. Most kept well with 10% moldy right away. Vegetables are virtually gone. There's one meal of chopped cabbage in the fridge and a bit of jicama left.

My second night watch was completely done in foul weather jacket and pants. It's tough to dress for the squalls as the rain and wind are cold, but inside the suit is hot and humid.

Lottery: John: 24.5 off GPS position. Dave: 26 off.  John: 2:1.



  • Miles Davis: Round Midnight
  • Oscar Peterson: We Get Requests (John liked this one)


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