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20 Years Ago Today -- April 17, 1996 -- Day 9

Wed. 96-04-17 - Day 9 - 17° 15' N  114° 54' W  Log: 583nm

Up at 1645Z. Similar weather to yesterday, but better wind and by mid-afternoon we had classic NE winds, 10 - 12 knots and we were rolling (literally) along wing and wing at ~4 knots.

Today's lottery: Dave: 42; John: 54.5; Log: 55.3 (and all over the compass); GPS: 54. John wipes me! 3:3. Forgot to mention that we introduced another award, for the person with the least cumulative error. Loser buys the winner a movie in Papeete.

I was sitting in the cockpit around noon today when a squid flew over the combing by my shoulder and landed by my feet. It was pink and ~7" long. I quietly threw it back, but should have taken a picture first.

We trolled a green hoochie (squid) lure from dawn to dusk, but no luck.

I cooked a tuna "casserole" for dinner -- tuna (canned), mushrooms (canned), and cheese (mozarella) mixed with pasta in a pot. Pretty good. Served with salad of lettuce, carrot, jicama (Mexican turnip) and raisins. John baked a loaf of pressure-cooker bread today, as we've run out. Pretty flat, but not bad. Rescued an 8" flying fish from cockpit on night watch.


  • Miles Davis -- Sketches of Spain
  • Sarah Vaghan -- argh, this album is scratched and wrecked!
  • Chick Corea - Elektric Band
  • Bill Evans -- Quintessence


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