20 Years Ago Today -- April 15, 1996 -- Day 7

Mon. 96-04-15 - Day 7 - 18° 16' N 112° 51' W Log: 451nm
Up at 1530Z, tired but couldn't sleep any more. Partly cloudy today with small cumulus clouds and a high thin cirrus above. Wind NW 10 - 15 knots.
Today's lottery: Dave: 101; John: 82; Log: 103; GPS: 113. Dave wins! 3:1.
Wind lightened and we rolled along in beam seas most of the day and all night frustratingly slow.
I reheated the chicken from fajitas a few nights back and put soy sauce in, and served it over rice. Not bad. We finished the birthday cake for dessert.
John's working hard on his celestial navigation skills and I've done a bit too.
Frustrating night watch in sloppy, light conditions. Hand steered nearly all night. Wind filled 10 minutes before the end of my second watch at dawn. Listened to my CDs on headphones during first watch. Continued reading Bourne Ultimatum. CD's:
- Los Del Rio -- Macarena
- Madonna -- Erotica
- Miles Davis -- Milestones
Saw last view of comet Hyakutake in west sky just after sunset. Not much to see now, but was awesome 3 weeks ago.