Archived Articles

Entries in Southern Hemisphere (1)


20 Years Ago Today -- April 30, 1996 -- Day 22

Tues. 96-04-30 - Day 22 - 0° 28' S  130° 58' W  Log: 1,968nm

We took the main down before I went off watch this morning in order to try to reduce the heeling so that watermaker would run, as its water intake is too close to the waterline on the port side. Still sucked air occasionally. We turned and ran off the wind for a few hours, but the occasional hard roll would still introduce air into the system -- so it's essentially useless. After I got up at 1800Z, we decided to hell with it, got the main back up and back on course. As neither of us was in the mood, we skipped the contest today.

Beautiful day, but I was still feeling tired. John too, and he's having trouble sleeping. I've been sweating a lot in bed, not from the heat. Finally I had a two-hour nap this afternoon (without getting sweaty) and felt a bit better afterwards. I'm aware that I'm dreaming a lot, although I don't remember them.

Still fishing 'round the clock and catching nothing -- it's bugging me. 

Finished reading Dark Channel -- I didn't much like it, although John had enjoyed it. Thinking of writing another letter tonight, but not sure to whom. Maybe my brother or sister.

Ropework: a couple of night watches lately, I've practiced some rope work, and have become proficient at the Monkey Fist and Turk's Head knots, as well as a couple of less decorative ones.

John baked bread today and made chicken and rice with green beans for supper. The meals are getting boring.


  • Various -- Really Free sample disk
  • Miles Davis -- Bitches Brew (disk 2) -- I don't much like this album!
  • Miles Davis -- Seven Steps to Heaven -- sooo nice!

Wrote a 2-page letter to my brother and his wife.

[Ed.: I find it really odd that we crossed the equator and I didn't even comment on it in the log. It was the first time for both John and me by boat, and should have been a pretty big deal.]