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Entries in Twitter (1)


Twitter Philosophy

Another mid-flight iPhone blog post. Can't work because the reclined seat in front of me prevents opening my laptop.

Today, I'll present my thoughts on how I use Twitter. I think there are a lot of people who briefly pass through the Twitterverse and then keep on going. They don't see value for themselves in that world. And I can't say I blame them. The value of Twitter wasn't immediately obvious to me either.

I was originally turned on to Twitter by @shiva, a co-worker who had been twittering for awhile, and I figured the lack of immediately obvious uses for it shouldn't deter me too quickly. In the end, I have found it to be a great source of information, entertainment and sometimes even inspiration.

Now first off, I'm not a prolific tweeter. In fact, for a long time I was almost entirely a listener, and frankly I suspect that's where most of the value comes for me. The following list summarizes my philosophy of Twitter use:

  • I follow only those I think will be interesting for some reason. I won't automatically follow you back if you follow me, but I will check you out and follow back if you seem even vaguely of interest to me. I might then unfollow you in a week or two if I conclude that I'm not enjoying your feed. 
  • I don't expect or want a follow-back when I follow you. If you think I'd be interesting to follow, that's great and I welcome you. 

  • I mostly follow news sources and those with some strong relationship to music.

  • I have a high level bio summary on my Twitter profile, and I think that helps others find me with directed follows that might actually interest me, so I think it's probably a good thing. 

I should point out that as Twitter users, we have to expect not to read everything, but just a subset of the info flowing past. This was a bit weird for me at first -- that is, it's not like reading email, but more like picking up the paper and glancing through it, and maybe not reading the paper every day.

I personally find it hard to check my Twitter feed during the day. I'm very busy, but truly enjoy checking it during down time. As such, I enjoy following people from around the globe to get a current perspective regardless of the time of day.

Most people start on Twitter following celebrities. A few are actually interesting, though many aren't. I'd suggest using the search to see if you can find people with similar interests to yours, located in your town, etc.
